Saturday, August 11, 2012

The power of thought

It seems to us that this body, this flesh, exists. It does not exist. It is only your perception that it exists. You have such senses that make you feel like it exists. If we look through the eyes of a dog, through its senses, or the senses of some other creature, it does not see us like we do, the way we see ourselves. A dog sees us as a sort of cloud of smells. It means that we have no body, and the fact that we perceive it this way is because we are made in such a manner that makes us perceive it so, but it does not really exist.

Nothing exists besides the upper reality, the thought of creation to bestow upon His created beings, which includes us. Only in this do we really exist. The worlds, including this world, are a concealment of our senses. We are, even now, existing in the best and only state there is. Only we have a problem, a dimming of our senses, so that we are not feeling that state but only a lesser state. We must clean our senses, wake up, get up and feel the real state. Nothing changes except the perception of reality.

This means that what actually changes in us is that part that perceives reality. Besides that there is nothing. Therefore, if you are thinking about changing something besides yourself you are in trouble. Nothing will help you, you will never change anything. You can see how much the world only suffers from this, accumulating bitter experiences as if in order to understand that this is not the way. We need to correct our senses. You will see a completely different picture when you are at the end of correction, in eternity and wholeness. I have no words to describe it. And this body - there is no body, and this world - there is no world; it is simply an imagination.

Of course, it is hard to accept this, because you have not arrived at the other side, so you can not understand how this is possible. One hundred or two hundred years ago we never thought that such forces existed in nature, or that it was possible to see through a wall, but this is what is now happening. With our thoughts and desires, and with our mind, we can achieve anything. The speed of thoughts is infinite. T houghts expand at an infinite speed. The power of thought can penetrate matter without limitations. We can reach complete control of reality. Gradually you will see that these concealments, these worlds, simply disappear. All becomes transparent and there is nothing but light that fills everything. Even those who have had near death experiences tell us that there is nothing. They still see themselves on the operating table, while they are actually already elevating and becoming included in the light. The fact that we are not in the upper reality even a little is a problem. That is why I said that until a person's eyes open, it is a problem, but after the person's eyes open he or she already knows what to do. So our problem is to achieve the opening of the eyes.

You stop sensing your body, how does it happen?

It happens sometimes that you almost do not feel your body; you are in some kind of euphoria, and nothing hurts; it is possible to feel something like that sometimes. If it is possible for one moment, it is possible always. According to the level of correction that you attain, you neutralize your body to the extent that you do not exist. You cross the border between life and death. You simply stop communicating with the body and it stops being an issue for you.

Question: How can man reach a state where he controls his desires and thoughts, instead of them controlling him?

Man cannot control anything. He cannot control feelings or thoughts. If he tries to control one thing, it comes at the expense of something else. A certain kind of water is healthier than drinking another kind. So I choose this kind over that one. This is called controlling one of my desires and replacing it with another. This is not control.

Real control is when I reach the spiritual world, the upper world, at a level which is higher than my reality. I look at my reality from there and then I choose what is good; this is control. As much as we discover nature in all of our research, in all types of science, we only discover one thing; that everything acts according to pre-determined, absolute, decisive rules that never change, and that everything behaves according to cause and effect, and is arranged by formulas. So what are you going to change? What do you want to penetrate and determine? And with any kind of intelligence I also can not understand it; it is not possible. Tell me, at which level of human beings, namely thoughts, desires, hormones or genes, or through the laws of nuclear physics, or some other level, can we change anything? We only study how it exists. To change anything is only possible from the root, where the level of the causes for all the effects in this world is. You can only change things if you can be at that point. Why is everyone running for the government? Because from there you determine what will happen later in the playing field. So that is what we need to achieve. For a person in whom the point in the heart has opened, who feels some connection, an urge for a higher state, it is a sign that the person can reach a point where he or she is elected for government, and can change the situation.

Thought has no velocity. Thought acts through infinite speed, zero time, and endless velocity. Why is this so?

That is how each and every cell in our body functions. That is how a cell connects to all the other cells. Information passes between cells at an infinite speed. The same applies to all parts of our universe. The information expands at an infinite speed; otherwise there would not have been any laws.

What are the laws that we discover? We discover the entire system, how it is constructed, and if it is moving. It is moving towards balance. We discover laws in relation to stars, planets and gases indicating that there is no coincidence; everything is related to everything else, and the system knows everything about itself. It is not that there was an explosion, and from that explosion everything arrives including information, which arrives at the other end within a certain number of years. It is not the speed of the light that comes from the explosion which is important. It is information which expands at an infinite speed, and has the biggest power, at an infinite frequency. This is also the case with our body. The one who reaches the level of thoughts, the level of intentions, is the ruler. Besides that there being structures such as the nervous system, there are people who can solve a complex mathematical problem in a second, which even the biggest and most powerful computer can not solve in hours. How does it happen? It is not that those people are so fast compared to the computer, but that they solve the problem not at the level of the nervous system, at the speed of ten meters per second, the speed of signals moving in the body, but at the level of thought. Thought and intention means that the speed is infinite. That is the reason for the results.

When one acquires some knowledge in Kabbalah everything begins to be understood.

I wish for you that you open your eyes to see the spiritual world, and from there begin to determine everything in this world. 

Dr Michael Laitman

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Les pierres, c'est l'aspect dureté, stabilité, que l'on retrouve en l'homme

Les pierres, c'est l'aspect dureté, stabilité, que l'on retrouve en l'homme dans toute sa structure osseuse, autour de laquelle des organes se sont mis en place, tenus par des fils. Dans le corps physique, tout est liaison, tout est communication ; c'est un tissage. Même les os en sont un : ils sont comme des fils durcis, avec des minéraux à l'intérieur. Tout autour, il y a une vie qui se développe, avec le système sanguin qui irrigue tous les organes du corps et qui s'apparente à la sève des plantes. Dans le système nerveux et le système hormonal, qui régulent les émotions et les états d'âme, nous retrouvons l'animal, qui représente les sentiments et les sens en l'homme. Ainsi, tout ce qui se trouve à l'extérieur dans la nature se retrouve aussi à l'intérieur du corps humain. Dans la nature, ces systèmes sont grands et séparés, mais ils sont unifiés pour apparaître dans l'homme.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Pushed From Behind

Nothing limits you, no force that holds you captive—other than a fiction of your imagination.

So you will say, “What, then, of the forces of nature? Of the constraints of a human body? Of the hard reality that slams against me when I attempt to stride through the barriers of life?”

Yes, they are there. But they are not what they seem to be.

They are not there to oppose you, but to carry you. As your soul pulls forward, those barriers force her inward, towards her deepest, strongest self.

T. Freeman

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Holy Grail

"What do we know about the Holy Grail? According to legend, it was
carved from an emerald which had fallen from the forehead of
Lucifer when he was hurled into the abyss after rebelling against
God. Other accounts say it is the cup Jesus used on the evening
of the Last Supper and in which Joseph of Arimathea collected his
blood when he was crucified. Whether these accounts are truth or
legend, the important thing to understand is that the Holy Grail
symbolizes those human beings who have succeeded in drawing the
Holy Spirit to themselves and making it stable within them.
Emeralds are green, the colour of Venus, the feminine principle.
Blood is ruby red, the colour of Mars, the masculine principle.
So the Holy Grail symbolizes the union of the two principles, the
masculine and the feminine, Mars and Venus, but in their highest
aspect, where they merge with the Sun (the masculine principle)
and the Moon (the feminine principle).

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fire From Heaven

When the soul awakens, it descends like a fire from heaven.

In a moment of surprise, we discover something so powerful, so beyond our persona, we cannot believe it is a part of us.

In truth, we are a part of it.

T. Freeman

Faith, Intellect, Wisdom

Faith believes that which it is told, because it wants to believe.

Intellect believes that which it understands, because it wants to attain understanding.

Wisdom believes that which is true, because it is true.

It doesn’t have to fit that which faith wishes to believe. It doesn’t await the approval of intellect to say, “This can be understood.”

Wisdom is clear vision, the power to see “that which is” without attempting to fit it into any mold. Wisdom, therefore, is the only channel by which an Infinite God may enter.

T. Freeman

The Taller They Are . . .

You might think that the more lowly the created being, the lower the divine spark it contains.

Just the opposite: Only the highest of sparks could descend to the lowest of places and retain their power to sustain such an existence.

That is why the deepest truths are so often found in the darkest of places.

T. Freeman

Grasping Truth

Blind faith cannot grasp Truth, because it does not grasp anything at all.

Intellect cannot grasp Truth, because Truth is larger than Intellect.

Only the eye of the soul, its inner wisdom, can grasp Truth and know it as she knows her own self.

For she is Truth.

T. Freeman

Hiding Behind His Hand

Once in a while, He seems to be peeking through the latticework of our world, filling the day with light.

But then there are times He hides His face behind a thick wall, and we are confused.

We cry out to Him, loudly, for He must be far away.

He is not far away. For the latticework is His holy hand, and the walls themselves are sustained by His word.

T. Freeman

Inquisitively Challenged

The rebellious child who questions everything sits in a place beyond the one who has nothing to ask.

If the rebellious child questions, it is because it touches him, it says something to him. Perhaps it even bothers him.

But a perfectly capable human being who has no questions is stuck in his place. 
Perhaps he is a good person who does good deeds and never sins. But there is no sense of the spirit, of the meaning of life, of transcendence.

He knows of nothing higher.

T. Freeman

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Who Owns Truth

A sharp mind will find a truth for itself.

A humble spirit will find a truth higher than itself.

Truth is not the property of intellectuals, but of those who know how to escape their own selves.

T. Freeman

Grasping Bread From Heaven

If your bread fell out of heaven, you might be afraid to make a diet of it. Sure, it's convenient, but most people need to sink their teeth into something of this coarse world.

That's also the way many people feel about any topic that touches on the spiritual. It is the unknowableness of it, that you can't grasp it in your hand or tally it up with your assets that causes people to shun it, to run from it, to even deny it exists.

These people are running from who they are, for we are spiritual beings in essence, far more than we are a body with a bank account. Without spiritual nourishment we are plagued by insatiable cravings, like a body lacking essential vitamins

For the human being, inner peace is only achieved by first surrendering to the unknown.

T. Freeman

Le corps de la Mère, c'est la percée du gazon

Le corps de la Mère, c'est la percée du gazon : la petite tige verte sort et l'homme comprend qu'il fait partie d'un tout. C'est ce tout qui l'accueille et qui lui révèle qui il est. Est-il un arbre, une fleur, une marguerite, une tulipe ? Dans les racines, il ne lui est pas possible de le savoir. C'est la Mère qui lui révèle qui il est, et donc quelle est sa destinée. Alors la mémoire lui revient et il sait qu'il est une marguerite. Il s'associe avec toutes les marguerites, les esprits, les génies, l'âme-groupe de la marguerite qui vont lui révéler les secrets de cette fleur. Ces secrets ne seront pas révélés à une tulipe ou à un arbre car ils n'ont pas les mêmes fonctions, la même âme, la même énergie et la même destinée. En fleurissant, la marguerite va faire apparaître un monde autour d'elle, elle va attirer des êtres, des influences, un environnement particulier. C'est tout cela qui fait qu'elle est une marguerite.


La musique

"La musique n’est pas seulement une succession de sonorités
agréables ; la musique, c’est des forces, des vibrations.
Avec elle, on pénètre, en quelque sorte, dans le monde de la
magie : on peut utiliser la puissance de ces vibrations sonores
non seulement pour se projeter dans l’espace, mais aussi pour
créer. La musique facilite le travail mental : au lieu de
laisser la pensée partir à la dérive, il faut, au contraire,
être conscient et la mobiliser afin de réaliser quelque chose
de beau et de grand en soi-même et dans le monde.
Vous dites que vous éprouvez des difficultés pour méditer…
Voici une méthode : concentrez-vous sur une image lumineuse,
exaltante, et la musique vous entraînera très haut, vers un
monde de lumière et de beauté. Vous la sentirez comme une force
qui vous emporte. Apprenez à utiliser le pouvoir des sons."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov